Saturday, March 8, 2014

momentary amnesia

I was tricked. And so were you.
I had planned to confess.
I imagine I would have complained too and told you the nitty gritty details; the whole sordid story, but when I unfurled my freshly finished table runner, and brandished my camera, I was gripped by a momentary amnesia.
I completely forgot how narrow my flying geese had looked without a border.
I hadn't wanted a border.
I added a green plaid one but I forgot to tell you that.
Plaid can be bossy.
You can't run and you can't hide when plaid is involved.
 And I didn't mention that I had planned to quilt the runner with straight lines. A few lovely straight lines.
I can't explain why, instead, it is free motion quilted within an inch of its life.
I know I didn't tell you that I quilted the borders first either.
I heard somewhere that this could be a good thing to do.
Maybe not for me though.
Of course the center puffed up and wavered.
I had read that when the center was quilted, all would be well.
Maybe not for me though.
I quilted feathers on the light green and the dark green puffed and wavered.
I quilted wood grain on the dark green and the light green puffed and wavered.
In a last ditch attempt to smooth things out, I stitched those ditches, every single one of them.
That seemed to do the trick.
More or less.
I sighed and sewed on the binding but when I did, the edges of the quilted runner rippled too.
I have never, ever had the edges of a quilt ripple.
I imagined a giant book with my table runner pressed between its pages like a leaf.
Then I remembered my washing machine.
Water to the rescue.
When the runner emerged from the dryer I was hopeful.

It seems to be lying as flat as a pancake.
For now.

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